“Coffee is taken, only taken. symptom: false. smell. multisensory, uncensored. feel the natural sweetness. no? here's the sugar. It's up to you. boiled. the train left. dense, almost tactile smell. occupies kitchen, balcony, backyard. affective memory. the barista takes the life and work of this small grain to the counter. Burn. first crackles. crack! top of the caparaó. would it be chapada diamantina, mogiana, cerrado mineiro? the producer is the face of brazil. he and coffee, a commodity since the colony. but the grain whose story I tell doesn’t care about trade balance. it is from a butchery, microlot. detail. cultivated as the love within us. superior, gourmet, special? coffee. suitable land, altitude and microclimate. does this train pass on the low north wing? I'm in a hurry. I ride my bike from 400 to 300. Then order espresso with s. it will not be expressed with x. will be well taken away. long? I enjoy. double? ristretto. capiche? taste is a mystery. stop time. if despair hits, breakdown coffee. sorry for the acidity, but jump out of this runaway smoke-smoke. government bidding powder purchased at the lowest price. he can? false. smell. the train beeps. destination: los baristas. wifi: casadecafes. all together. House. Welcome."


1 espresso per month at our 404 Norte Unit
In the first month of subscription you receive your exclusive Los Baristas mug
Coffee! This is the heart of our work, the master line by which we dedicate ourselves day by day to bring each cup, each packet of coffee that comes out of our roasting to a new experience for our customers. With a focus on keeping our relationship with producers as transparent and fair as possible, we will always focus on bringing out the whole story behind each coffee, each producer, each farm.

Unit 404 North
Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm
On Saturdays from 8 am to 5 pm
Closed Sunday